One change leads to another

Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Since I wrote back in November about leaving social media, it feels like a lot has changed. 

  • I qualified from a 400 hour training in breathwork facilitation

  • I've read ten books (I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, The Internet Is Not The Answer, Leave The World Behind and My Past Is A Foreign County were the stand outs.

  • I got a record player for Christmas (and have been writing on an old typewriter) and trying to live a more analogue life, has helped with my quest to be more intentional with my phone/tech use.

  • I've been de-googling my life, using tools and apps aside from Google where possible and sorted through 12k emails from circa 2006 onward (which was nostalgic and enjoyable, as well as a bit overwhelming)

  • I'm writing every day and working on my core every day (it's never too late - four years postnatal over here)

  • I finally started up Hush Club, which was something I'd been percolating on for at least a month (or four) and I'm loving promoting it in a completely flowing, non-pressurised way with no expectation

Why am I sharing this with you? To make the point that when you make one shift, it's like toppling a house of cards.

I'd had a hankering to come off social media and do promo in a different, more natural way that felt right for me for such a long time, but ignored it because of what "they" say you're "supposed" to do.

If there's something you've been pondering over and over and off and on... something your soul really wants, but you're ignoring the whispers because of fear. Just stop.

Trust yourself and do the thing.


Suspending the need to know


I quit. Here’s why.